How to reset my router to the factory default password ?Many routers can be reset to the factory default settings (including the default admin password) by holding a reset button for 10-30 seconds while powering up the router.
To accomplish this, find the reset button, hold it down (with the power supply disconnected), then connect the power supply. Continue to hold the reset button for 10+ seconds, until the LED indicators flash. Once this is completed , you can look up the default IP address and password for your model in our broadband hardware database. Notes: Some ISP-specific routers may have a provider-set administrator password that is different than the manufacturer's default. In such cases, you may have to contact your ISP for the admin password. Depending on the type of your Internet connection, resetting a router to its factory default settings may cause you to lose internet connectivity until the correct settings are re-entered in the administration interface. Many routers are set to obtain an IP address automatically, and will work with factory defaults. Some types of connections, such as PPPoE, may require a username/password for internet access. In such cases, you would have to know the login information or obtain it from your ISP to regain connectivity. To connect to your NAT router after resetting it, your client computer needs to have an IP address in the same subnet as the default IP of the router. For example, if the default IP of the router is, your client's IP needs to be in the 192.168.1.x range to be able to connect to it. It is often enough to reboot (or use ipconfig /renew in command prompt) for your computer to obtain an IP automatically in the correct range from the router.