3. My readings are inaccurate, how do I fix that?Tags: Analyzer
The Analyzer reports the values that actually get to servers on the Internet, while tweaking programs like the Optimizer only change settings on your computer. There are a few possibilities to account for the differences:
First, make absolutely sure that the IP address displayed at the top of the Analyzer results page is yours. If it is not, then you are measuring the parameters of the connection between SpeedGuide.net and the host that owns the displayed IP. That might be a web proxy, or a NAT device of some sort. Web proxy servers save your ISP's bandwidth, however they often have a negative impact on your Web experience. With Proxy enabled, you might experience problems accessing some Secure pages, as well as decreased performance. To disable the Proxy server in Internet Explorer, go into Tools > Internet Options > Connections > LAN settings. In there, disable proxy, uncheck "Automatic settings" and try again. If the IP address displayed by the Analyzer is yours, then the readings are most likely accurate. Complaining about them is equivalent to telling the manufacturer of your mirror that it is not reflecting your face accurately, because according to the description of your latest makeup kit, you should look much more attractive after applying it (my apologies to the male users, I couldn't come up with a more "manly" example :-) ). There are still some routers and cable/dsl modems in use that modify the maximum packet size (MTU) regardless of Registry settings. If the Analyzer reports a smaller MTU and you're behind a router, you might want to try updating its firmware, or looking through its management interface for an MTU value. It is also possible for some PPPoE, Proxy, or Firewall software on your computer might be changing some of the settings as well. Note: The Analyzer does not look at Registry settings, it takes the values directly from the header information in TCP/IP packets, the same information your end advertises to other servers on the internet. Note: Some ISPs automatically enable Proxy, regardless of your browser settings (if you have their custom software installed). As a workaround, you might have to uninstall such custom software and configure your connection manually. Note: Don't forget to reboot after making changes to the Windows Registry, for those changes to take effect. Note: In Windows 9x, if you have a number larger than 65535 for RWIN in the Registry, and the Analyzer always reads the RWIN value as 65535, you might need to install the MS Vtcp.386 Fix.