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22. Do I need to run the TCP Optimizer each time I reboot ?

No. The TCP Optimizer changes related settings in the Windows Registry. Once you run the program, apply the changes, and reboot, they're in effect until you decide to make changes.

You only need to run the program again if / when you want to make changes to those settings again.

  User Reviews/Comments:
by dude - 2011-09-06 02:11
In my case, the settings are always lost after a restart (on Win7). How can I fix that?
by Philip - 2011-09-06 12:56
Please make sure you're using the latest version of the Optimizer, and check its documentation and our Vista/Windows 7 tweaking article.

For some netsh settings to remain persistent you need to "disable windows heuristics", or use "store=persistent", however this has been addressed in the Optimizer.
by anonymous - 2016-01-22 04:35
After reboot and I run the Optimizer again to check the settings they have always reverted back to original - it does not seem to keep the Optimal settings ?
by Philip - 2016-01-22 10:28
The program does not read all settings on start (some may be network adapter specific, other may be the same for default/optimal, etc.). The newest version should show such settings blank, rather than optimal.
by anonymous - 2017-01-20 07:56
I downloaded the most recent version last week and am running WIN 10. I lose the applied changes at least every day and have to re-run the optimizer. So the changes are not sticking in the latest version.
by Philip - 2017-01-20 08:34
As previously mentioned, not all settings are read on program startup, as some are adapter-specific - one may have the setting on, another off, a third may not support it..
So the "current" radio button may not show them, even if they were previously applied.
by Dave England. - 2017-10-10 13:03
Not showing the previously set settings and reverting to displaying what then appears as default settings after reboot is fundamentally BAD. How can this be so lightly glossed over as it has? It should be fixed.
by Philip - 2017-10-10 13:25
Not all current settings can be easily read. Some are also adapter/driver dependent.
by Beta3 - 2018-02-14 22:56
Well, it ask for reboot after changes, so i dont know if it work.
It wont save the settings that i used, every reboot it loss the changes.
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