Russia to throttle YouTube speeds by up to 70%2024-07-26 17:39 by DanielaTags: YouTube
In the coming weeks, Russia will intentionally reduce load times on YouTube, Bloomberg reports. "By the end of this week, YouTube download speeds on desktop computers may drop to 40%, and by the end of next week to 70%," reads a translated statement posted to Telegram by Alexander Khinshtein, chairman of Russia's parliamentary committee on technology. For now, the throttling will only hit the desktop version of YouTube, not the mobile apps. This move is in retaliation for what Khinshtein characterizes as YouTube's "anti-Russia policy," pointing to the deletion of channels featuring Russian public figures, "whose position differs from the Western point of view," he says. Plans to "permanently block" YouTube in September seem to be in the cards, too, an anonymous source told the Russian independent news outlet Meduza back on July 12, 2024. With over 93 million users across the country, YouTube is currently the last Western social media platform to work in Russia. The likes of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter cannot be accessed unless using one of the best VPN services. Worse still, using these circumventing tools is becoming increasingly precarious in the country. Read more -here-
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