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NASA and Nokia to build lunar 4G network

2020-10-19 15:00 by
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NASA and Nokia are planning the first cellular network on the moon. NASA is giving Nokia $14.1 million for this project. The purpose of the network is for more reliable communication between astronauts while on the moon.

As well as voice communication and data transmission, the mobile network could power navigation, stream biometric data so controllers can keep an eye on each astronaut's health and fitness, and direct remote-control robots and sensors on the lunar surface.

"Leveraging our rich and successful history in space technologies, from pioneering satellite communication to discovering the cosmic microwave background radiation produced by the Big Bang, we are now building the first ever cellular communications network on the moon," said CTO at Nokia and Nokia Bell Labs President, Marcus Weldon in a press release.

Temperatures on the lunar surface can vary wildly compared to Earth. During the day, temperatures near the moon's equator can reach 250 degrees Fahrenheit and drop to -208 degrees Fahrenheit at night. Nokia explained that this lunar communication system has been engineered to endure the harsh environments of the moon as well as launch and lunar landing operations.

"Reliable, resilient and high-capacity communications networks will be key to supporting sustainable human presence on the lunar surface. By building the first high performance wireless network solution on the moon, Nokia Bell Labs is once again planting the flag for pioneering innovation beyond the conventional limits," Weldon said.

Read more -here-


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