Outlook PayPal email opening extremely slow ?
A recent change in PayPal notification messages can cause Outlook to hang for over a minute while opening PayPal email. The issue is caused by an invalid image reference in PayPal messages and the way Outlook deals with timeouts. PayPal is aware of the issue, however it is ongoing as of 10/14/2011
To correct the issue for all PayPal email, edit your hosts file (as administrator) and add the following line. It simply points the invalid domain to a local file, so Outlook will not wait for a timeout to open the email message.
1. Start Notepad as administrator: click the Start button > All Programs > Accessories, right-click Notepad > choose "Run as administrator".
2. Open the hosts file: C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts
3. Add the folowing line: 102.112.2o7.net
4. Save the hosts file and close Notepad.