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What is the difference between Kilobits and Kilobytes ?

A bit is a single numeric value, either '1' or '0', that encodes a single unit of digital information. A byte is a sequence of 8 bits.

Usually, data communication speed is measured in bits/kilobits/megabits per second, while storage space is measured in bytes/Kilobytes/Megabytes.

In data communications, a Kilobit is one thousand bits. It is used to measure the amount of data transferred per second. Kilobits per second is shortened to kb/s, Kbps or kbps (as opposed to KBps, which is Kilobytes per second. Note the capitalization). The lowercase b is commonly used to denote bits, while the uppercase B is used for bytes.

1 kb/s = 1000 bits per second
1 KB/s = 1024 bytes per second

For additional information on bits/bytes check out this article: Bits, Bytes and Bandwidth Reference Guide, or the SG Bits/Bytes Conversion Calculator.

Notes: A binary KB (Kilobyte) can also be abbreviated as KiB to explicitly state it is a binary kilobyte.
Most hard drive and SSD manufacturers use decimal instead of binary Megabytes/Gigabytes to calculate storage capacity.

  User Reviews/Comments:
by anonymous - 2013-08-05 11:29
1024 bytes is a kibibyte. A kilobyte is now 1000 bytes.
by anonymous - 2014-12-21 07:10
"kilo" no matter if its bytes or bits is ALWAYS lower case or no caps.
by anonymous - 2015-08-12 11:54
Actually, a kilobyte can be 1000 bytes or 1024 bytes. If it is listed as kB (lowercase k), it is a decimal kilobyte and is 1000 bytes. If it is listed as KB (uppercase k), it is a binary kilobyte and is 1024 bytes. 1 KB = 1KiB (kibobyte) = 1024 bytes.

And yes, the k can be capitalized. In fact, whether it is capitalized affects the meaning as described above.
by anonymous - 2020-08-02 05:44
The names they put on devices for amount of storage space are fals .
Somehow we accepted this as the norm .
while storage spaces increases so do the amount of falsifications .

it has become acceptable fraud imo .

you dont see a sixpack sold with just 5 bottles do you ?
by Philip - 2020-08-02 16:13
Your analogy is not entirely correct, as you do see different volume bottles in a six pack, as in 12oz, 11.2oz, even some 7fl oz bottles. Marketing comes in all shapes and sizes I suppose, heh.

Manufacturers prefer to use the decimal instead of binary notation to show bigger storage capacity, and his has become the norm over the years.
by Max - 2020-12-04 12:16
KiB (1024) = KibiByte
KB (1000) = KiloByte

GiB (1024 ^ 3) = GibiByte
GB (1000 ^ 3) = GigaByte

Add an "i" and that's all. Other conventions (lowercase/uppercase) are really stupid and they have nothing to do with reality.
by SayWhatNow - 2021-05-28 14:01
"Add an "i" and that's all. Other conventions (lowercase/uppercase) are really stupid and they have nothing to do with reality."

Came here just to say: Wrong. Case matters, just like in Unix.

KB =/= kb

1KB = 1 Kilo Byte
1kb = 1 kilo bit

This is how reality works.
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