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Downloads start faster, then slow down in a few seconds ?

When downloading files (usually with a web browser), it is completely normal for transfer speeds to appear much higher in the first few seconds.

What happens is, transfers begin early, while you're confirming the download and choosing the location to save downloaded files.

Your browser starts the download (up to the size of RWIN) even before you choose the destination file name, location on your PC, and click ok. That's why transfers appear to be much faster at the beginning, then settle down to a slower, actual rate in a few seconds.

Some residential broadband providers also offer "Powerboost", or "Turbo Boost" technology that offers increased capacity for transferring smaller files (up to 5-10MB). This feature is intended to speed up small file triansfers, while larger transfers would still default back to the user's rated bandwidth cap. In such instances, it may appear that your transfer starts much faster than your rated speed until it settles down to the actual available bandwidth.

  User Reviews/Comments:
by Panther - 2008-06-07 19:32
err... I have broadband that starts off really fast and slows down but not in a few seconds, and something as small as a mp3 file, would start off downloading which it'll complete in 32 secs max, but after a few minutes hmm lets say 10 mins, any other download would take at least triple the amount of time, I was meant to rate the above 4 stars but hit 2 i think, Sorry.
by anonymous - 2010-08-20 00:25
thanks for replying with no resolve.
there's a possibility that the response was from your cat sitting on the keyboard. If so, please disregard my response.
by anonymous - 2011-09-05 08:06
i dont buy this because i made a test in which i stopped the download and resumed it back again and the same happened although i didnt type any name or browse for the location of the folder ,and every one knows that the download starts the moment u press the download button check the *sent and received* activity
by anonymous - 2017-10-02 21:21

The download speed is "dictated" by the headers in the HTTP response sent from the server, or, if it's dynamic content, it is generated by a script (at least most of the time, ie PHP)

In either case, it is specified with the "Content-Length" part of the header.

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