SpeedGuide.net - Broadband Tweaks, Tools, Info, News & more
"Some of the Best Broadband Speed Tweaks on the Net"
We cover Broadband Internet connections, network security, wireless and system performance. A large section of SG focuses on
Cable Modems and DSL technology, stressing on improving TCP/IP performance over high speed/latency networks.
Some of the more popular SG network tools are listed below:
1Password can now show you codes and logins based on your location2025-03-06 17:53 EST by Daniela
1Password has added a new feature that allows users to tag their entries with physical locations. That way, when the user is close by a credential's location, that information will be surfaced in the password manager's mobile app. This 'nearby items' feature makes the most relevant information quickly available to 1Password customers and cuts out the need to search for the correct details or... »
YouTube brings its more affordable 'Premium Lite' subscription to the US2025-03-05 17:59 EST by Daniela
YouTube has introduced a new subscription option for viewing with reduced ads compared with its pricey but ad-free Premium plans. This Premium Lite plan is rolling out in the US starting today. It costs $8 per month, compared with $14 per month for Premium. All users in YouTube's pilot markets of Australia, Germany and Thailand will gain access to Premium Lite in the coming weeks.Most videos will... »
Amazon in plans to build new reasoning AI model2025-03-04 17:25 EST by Daniela
Amazon is building its own AI model that incorporates advanced "reasoning" capabilities, Business Insider has learned.The offering is tentatively scheduled to launch by June under the Nova brand, a group of generative AI models Amazon unveiled late last year, according to a person directly involved in the project. This person asked not to be identified because they were not authorized to speak... »
Mozilla updates Firefox terms again after backlash over broad data license language2025-03-03 15:47 EST by Daniela
Mozilla is revising its new Terms of Use for Firefox introduced on Wednesday following criticisms over language that seemed to give the company broad ownership over user data. With the change, "we're updating the language to more clearly reflect the limited scope of how Mozilla interacts with user data," the company says in a Friday post.Last Wednesday, Mozilla released a "Terms of Use" document... »
Skype is shutting down after two decades2025-02-28 18:43 EST by Daniela
Microsoft has confirmed that Skype, the iconic video conferencing program, will shut down in May 2025. That means you've only got three months left to swap over - if you haven't already jumped ship already.As reported by XDA Developers, a hidden message inside the HMTL code for the Skype for Windows program reads: "Starting in May, Skype will no longer be available. Continue your calls and chats... »
Windows 7, Vista, 2008 Tweaksby Philip (155 comments)
Windows Vista introduces a number of new features to the TCP/IP stack, including CTCP, and TCP Window Auto-Tuning. This new implementation works much better by default than previous Windows versions with broadband internet connections, and is able to adjust the RWIN value on the fly, depending on the BDP (bandwidth-delay product). This, however, introduces some problems with older routers and restricts the user from tweaking some of the TCP/IP parameters. Still, there is always some room for... »
Windows 10,11 TCP/IP Tweaksby Philip (50 comments)
The TCP/IP speed tweaks below work with Windows 8, 10, 2012/2019 Server. The Windows 8/10 TCP/IP implementation shares many traits with earlier Windows versions, however, there are many subtle differences and updates, new syntax for applying tweaks using PowerShell cmdlets, and some new settings. Windows 10 generally works well by default for many broadband connections, yet there is always some room for improvement and we will try to cover all relevant settings and their effect on your... »
How To Crack WEP and WPA Wireless Networksby Philip (95 comments)
Introduction With the popularity of wireless networks and mobile computing, an overall understanding of common security issues has become not only relevant, but very necessary for both home/SOHO users and IT professionals alike. This article is aimed at illustrating current security flaws in WEP/WPA/WPA2. Successfully cracking a wireless network assumes some basic familiarity with networking principles and terminology, as well as working with command-line tools. A basic familiarity... »
Gaming Tweaksby Philip (59 comments)
Online Gaming can often benefit from some fine-tuning of Windows TCP/IP settings and the Network Adapter properties. This article is intended to supplement our general broadband tweaks and list only TCP/IP settings that are specific to online gaming and reducing network latency. Some of these settings are also mentioned in our general tweaking articles, however, the emphasis here is on latency rather than throughput, and we have complemented the tweaks with more gaming-specific recommendations... »
How to set a Wireless Router as an Access Pointby Philip (236 comments)
I've often found it useful to get just the wireless functionality out of a WiFi router and reuse it as an access point. Wireless routers seem more common, and are often priced even lower than wireless access points. Adding an access point to a wired network already in place, or to one where the main NAT router is provided by the ISP is usually the easiest solution. However, introducing a second NAT router on the network is not a good idea, especially without some tweaking to set it up... »
Windows Vista tcpip.sys connection limit patch for Event ID 4226by Philip (19 comments)
Microsoft enforces a limit on half-open TCP/IP connections that is hard-coded in tcpip.sys. The maximum simultaneous half-open (incomplete) outbound TCP connection attempts per second that the system can make is intended to limit the spread of malicious viruses and worms, as well as limit the possibility of launching a DDoS attack. However, it has proven to also limit some applications using many TCP connections, such as P2P and P2PTV programs.When the OS reaches the half-open connection limit,... »
How to Stop Denial of Service (DoS) Attacksby Philip
Denial of Service (DoS) attacks are very common on the Internet these days, and they can make your online experience miserable. In some cases of Distributed Denial of Service Attacks (DDoS), they can bring down websites, or cripple entire networks in a matter of minutes, preventing connectivity for many customers. There are different types of DoS attacks, and we've tried to explain the most common types and ways to mitigate their effects to you or your network.Types of Denial of Service (DoS)... »
Network Adapter Optimizationby Philip (12 comments)
The information in this article is intended to improve understanding of all common and advanced network adapter settings under current Windows versions. We will also offer some general suggestions on setting up your LAN for the best possible network performance. Keep in mind that many of these settings can significantly affect performance and reliability in a good or bad way. Consider testing performance using some type of network analyzer or even a simple throughput test before and after... »